Monday, 23 April 2018

That day, she gave up!

That day, she gave up
She gave up on me
The idiot she once
Called her best friend.

She gave up because
Her best friend had
Become toxic and
Had buried all sense of logic.

She gave up because
Things had changed
And we couldn’t
Be all that sane.

She left, she went away
With all that we built
And nurtured
With and against time.

All the time and wine
We spent, which was
Once surreal
Now felt like boulders

That night, I slept for 18 hours
Maybe because
I lacked the courage
To accept, so I slept.

I slept, I am told
She wept, I bled
We were hurting
We still are.

But, then we used to
Hurt and play together
Today, we are the
Hurt for each other.

I am the reason
For her pain
I am what I
Never wanted to be

It is a month today
I haven’t slept and
I still haven’t slept
In peace for a single day

A month, I survived
I hope she did too
It’s time she moves on
For she doesn’t deserve toxicity.

She isn’t meant for poison
And if her ex-best friend
Is poison, now
She better be gone.

She is for flowers
And the skies
For all the peace
And beautiful butterflies.


Sunday, 22 April 2018

Your words don’t matter!

Your words don’t matter
The patterns you create
Reek of the nasty scars
Of those un-fought obnoxious

Warrior you claim to be
You loser, of all wars
What else did you think
You would ever be?

You burnt what healed
You destroyer of peace
And ease
Go survive, with ashes
And skulls
That is all your need be.

You’re hurting you say,
Aren’t you the pain
To the world that is
Bleeding it’s heart away.

You selfish monster
Rot, with your ashes
Fill your wounds with
The remains of wars
For you’ve burnt
Whatever that was yours

Friday, 13 April 2018

Follow Your Heart Till It Boomerangs!

I've often heard people bask in the glory of this concept of following the heart. Be fearless, be bold do what you want to. This concept has been so beautifully packaged that it actually gets each bit of the individual. While this best deal of follow your heart was doing rounds around me I decided to fall for the trap.

But, what happens next?

It boomerangs, right in the face. You know why? Because, it wasn't/ isn't packaged as a plan. It is raw, as in the heart. Things that are raw are never ready for the market, you may choose to read market as society because that is what it actually refers to.

Live, fall, rise, do, be but do none in the name of heart.

While this may sound very weird but the heart in the human body is also caged by the rib cage. There can be 2 ways to decode this. First, the heart is so fragile that it needs to be protected by a cage so that it doesn't get damaged; Second, it's a trap!

Whichever the case maybe, the fact of the matter is, are we ready as a society except the vulnerability or the fragility of the heart? The bigger question here is that should these complications stop you from listening to what your heart beats for? Ummm...probably no! But, some coordination between mind and heart is always a good idea. Listen to your heart, let your head make a package out it and boom, you're all ready to deal with the market.

Here’s to more dreams, stronger passions and beautiful scars! Cheers.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Out of love - 88!

The pieces of my heart still ache, because I never fell in love with you, I knew I drowned in it and that continues to be the most beautiful feeling, ever. The pain, the craving all worth it, still!
You will heal,
So will your mind, body & soul
But, will that silence your mind’s scream?
You can’t hold everything,
But what you can,
Is yours.
With whom would I share my silences and emptiness had it not been you, Moon?
The question remains as is,
You want to find yourself
Or want to lose yourself?
Some explosions are meant for the inside, they’d blast, destroy, finish, hurt & convert everything into ash but there will be no smoke. There’ll be nothing left within & it’ll be all so good on the outside. That. That exactly is the most powerful thing ever.
No, it’s not you. It’s the pieces of you that are hurting tonight. Don’t you recall you are broken? It’s not you in a single piece, it’s the shredded you in a million pieces and so a million times painful pain.
Tonight I’m jealous of this breeze
Which is going to kiss you in your sleep
And leave you with a craving for more of
ease and peace.
The fire within doesn’t even reduce you to ashes, it just burns and burns some more and just keeps on burning, destroying, being.
Her voice heals the cracks in me,
Where else will I find my therapy?

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Victory: A Loss!

The battles we are
Fighting are not for
For you and I will hurt
The parts of us
That we have nurtured
Together will break
And there will be no one
To tape the wounds
That we make
On each other.

The boulders in the chest
The pressure building up
In the head
The pieces of the heart
The restlessness of the soul
All the ordinary moments spent
And the beautiful memories

Is it worth the war
Is it worth the pain
And the scars
Is it worth the unwept tears
And the infinite craving of love
For hours?

Are we nothing but a battle?
Are we just a fragile combination
Not ready, to compromise on
Our dreams and desires?

Monday, 9 April 2018

कुछ अल्फ़ाज़ बस यूँ ही-22!

तेरे हक़ में ना जाने कब से दुआ कर रही हूँ,
की तेरी सलामती का ख़याल ही मेरे क्लब का इत्मिनान है.
वफ़ा की उम्मीद ना तब थी ना अब है, तू बेवफ़ा रहे पर हमेशा आबाद रहे बस यही दुआ है.
उस दिल के चीथड़े तुम क्या करोगे जिस दिल को चीर कर हमने सिर्फ़ तुम्हारे लिए रखा है.
ना जाने कैसा प्यार हो तुम, कि तूफ़ान की तरह आते हो, तबाह करते हो और फिर चले जाते हो. ना जाने कैसी हवा हूँ मैं की तुम कितने भी नाशकारी क्यूँ ना हो मैं साथ ही रह जाती हूँ. चाहती नहीं हूँ, बस रह जाती हूँ. तुम ठीक नहीं हो, तुम ग़लत हो, दर्दनाक हो, ख़तरनाक हो, पर क्या वो हवा छोड़ पायी है उस तूफ़ान का साथ, जो मैं कर पाऊँगी?
क्लब को इत्मिनान,
दिल को चैन,
तो आ ही जाएगा
वक़्त बीत जाएगा
हर ज़ख़्म भर जाएगा
पर दिमाग़ में
उमड़ते हुए तूफ़ान
का क्या कीजियेगा?
वो आएगा,
सब तबाह कर जायेगा
और आप फिर
सुकून के क़रीब
जाने के जुस्तजू
में जुट जाइयेगा
बस एक नज़र देख ले, की मैं भी देखना चाहती हूँ कि दुआ क़बूल हो तो वो एहसास क्या है.
ग़म इस बात का नहीं
की दिन ख़त्म हो जाता है
बस अब शाम की आदत नहीं
तो चाँद की ना मौजूदगी
खटकती है
रात की राहत को
तरसता है मेरा मन
अंधेरे में बस ढूँढता है
अपने आपको
तारों के सहारे
उम्मीद को जीता है मन
उन्हें भुलाने की नाकाम कोशिशों का
सिलसिला ख़त्म हो गया हो,
तो ज़रा ग़ौर उन यादों पर फ़रमाइयेगा,
जिन्होंने आपको रातों को करवटें बदलने
और दिन में बेचैन होने के अलावा,
किसी और लायक ना छोड़ा
वो तो चले गए बिन अलविदा कहे
और आप है की उम्मीद तक
को दफ़न नहीं कर पा रहे हैं.
अगर तुम्हारी मुस्कान की क़ीमत
मेरा दर्द है,
तो मुझे मेरे दर्द से
ज़्यादा अज़ीज़ कुछ नहीं.
वो जो ज़िंदगी से धड़कन चुरा ले गये,
आज पूछ रहे हैं के सब ख़ैरियत है या नहीं
कोई ज़रा उन्हें बता दे की साँस क़ायम है
तो बस ज़िंदा भर हैं.