Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Tonight, I must write!

I must write something beautiful tonight,
And so it shall be about you,
The definition of my beauty and solace.

I must write about you tonight,
For I need to feel beautiful, always
I am beautiful, just like you’re always

I must write about the rhyme
That you are to my unarticulated poetry
The one that I long for each time I scribble

I must write about the joy
That your presence brings to my life
The ease that massages my soul.

I must write,
For you,
For me,
For ......
The universe?

Tuesday, 27 November 2018


What do Goddesses do?
Do they get angry?
Do they feel the need to get angry?
Are they holding on to the anger?
Are they containing volcanoes?
Will they explode?
Will the feminine care evaporate?
Will they look into the eyes of the universe and choose to let it deal with the mess?
Will the Gods be accountable?
Will the Goddess be free of responsibility?
Will this stop?
Will it be okay?
Will the Goddess accept she’s stronger than Trishakti?
Do Goddesses know they’re Shakti?
Are we all hunting for ourselves
Under the garb of soul searching?
Are we Goddesses?
What is a Goddess?
Who is a Goddess?
Does she know she is a Goddess?

Monday, 26 November 2018

Out of love- 95!

Of course, it was unreasonable,
Illogical, it was not my love,
You were love,
Are now a pain,
Yet my definition of solace
Remains in you.

You, love.
Stillness and restlessness can co exist, but you and I can’t.
But to make peace,
With not being at peace
Is so peaceful.
Sun is for heat, moon for warmth.
Wounds heal,
Scars go stale,
Love, stays

Not a word,
Yet their eyes told a story,
I may regret coming across you,
As I hate being what I am
But, rest assured, despite all
I have and will never regret
Loving you,
Now and always.
To be yours,
I couldn’t have been mine,
Now that you’ve abandoned me,
I can’t be mine either
Do I regret meeting you?
Do I regret loving you, unconditionally?
One day, 
I’ll find the right kind of ornaments for you, 
The ones that don’t feel like a burden on your skin.

I don’t like those burdens on you, love. 
You deserve to be free,
Even if it means letting you fly away from me.
Had I not fallen for your eyes that reeked of infinity, 
I wouldn’t be hunting for the pieces in which you chose to break and shatter me.

Thursday, 15 November 2018

How do I tell you!

How do I tell you,
How un-important
And not useless
Sleep is.

How do I tell you,
The fear of dreams
Is more passionate
Than the desire to chase.

How do I tell you
That the night sky
The emperor of sleep
Makes love with stars
As it flirts with the moon
But refuses to look at me.

How do I tell you
That midnight doesn’t
Change the day for me
It just exhausts and elongates
A wretched nightmare.

How do I tell you?
Do I tell you,
I tell you,
This business
Is not worth
Telling, tale-ing.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Winter is coming!

Winter is coming,
What had to fall
Has fallen and gone,
The dead have vanished
New seeds are beginning
To germinate.

Winter is coming,
The sun’s heat
Will now be called warmth
The negative will transform
Into positive,
Time will continue
To exist, good or bad
However, whatever
It will.

Winter is coming,
Longing for lengthy cuddles
Craving for hot tea,
Frothy fluffy coffee
Will trickle in
With ease,
Soft blankets
Won’t let you
Make it to the first
Meeting of the day.

Winter is coming,
Bright yellow flowers,
Will make love to the
Bright golden sky,
Birds will flirt with
The cool and sometimes cold
Winds and breezes,
It’ll be cold, you’ll be warm.


Sunday, 4 November 2018

Some days!

Some days are not good,
No, they aren’t bad days,
They are just not good days.

A bit of headache,
A pettish feeling in the stomach
Droopy eyes, dash of backache
But, that is it,
We aren’t new to this,
In fact this is the normal
On most days.

So why are these days
Not oh so good?
I have had a good coffee
And a better scoop of ice cream
That’s all that I need
To revive self from the worst.

Maybe on some days
I recall I crave sleep
The one that kisses gently
Holds warmly and stays.
Or maybe a subtle
Head massage to sleep
Could do miracles.

But, all I have got
To deal with right now
Is a war in a cubicle.
