What is a story?
A truth you’ve suffered?
A tomorrow that you crave?
An attempt to archive
What you’ve felt?
What is a story?
An agony aunt?
A crystal ball?
State of mind at 420?
What is a story?
Your companion is disguise?
Your soulmate at 4am?
Your pawn?
A story is versions of you,
Good, bad and ugly
Real, unreal and surreal
It lives through you
Even after your death
Till eternity.
A story.
A truth you’ve suffered?
A tomorrow that you crave?
An attempt to archive
What you’ve felt?
What is a story?
An agony aunt?
A crystal ball?
State of mind at 420?
What is a story?
Your companion is disguise?
Your soulmate at 4am?
Your pawn?
A story is versions of you,
Good, bad and ugly
Real, unreal and surreal
It lives through you
Even after your death
Till eternity.
A story.