Saturday, 28 February 2015

just another day! :D

dreams and aspiratios
highs and lows
all go with the flow

what stays is
what you pray
just by the way

society and crime
chocolate and wine
are substances to decline

Friday, 27 February 2015

पता नहीं क्या???

पता नहीं क्या है
बस एक एहसास है
थोडा अजीब सा है
कुछ घुटन जैसा शायद
कहीं कुछ अटका है
या कुछ फसा है
पर कुछ तो है
पर पता नहीं क्या

Thursday, 26 February 2015

To a successful Faasla Rakhen! :D

YES! Project FaaslaRakhen was one successful project. It’s still very difficult for me to believe it, though. Few people asked me why do I call my project #FaaslaRakhen, the simple answer that I have for this question is: distance is the only thing which makes you realise a lot of things. Distance between reality and imagination, distance between what we are taught and what the world actually looks like, distance between life and death, distance between people living with you, the distance that you feel a person is gone and is yet around and most importantly the distance that letters used to reduce.
The reason why I think this project won is because of a favourite person’s magical powers or wishes.(I think her wishes are magical because it always leads to something magically beautiful)
The reason I did this project was because I wanted to figure out ways to reduce the faasla yet learn the importance of the same. Colour scheme chosen was green and blue because my favourite colour is green and I find blue very serene.
All in all this was by far the craziest experience. From wearing corporate formals to weirdest cartoon T-shirts for interviews, from making presentations to deciding the colour scheme, from craving for chocolates to red bull so that my brain functions more efficiently and most importantly  realising  that you will always have haters who will hate you whole heartedly, but will still pretend to be your well wishers.
I think that’s all about these maddening 92 days and truck loads of memories.
With hugs and smiles,

Signing off,

Project Faasla Rakhen [26-Feburary-2015]

Monday, 23 February 2015

Come back, Please! _/\_

I consider myself sufficiently strong and emotionless. I used to believe people who love me won't  ever leave me and oblige the heaven. I never knew i would become so lonely once they are gone, i never knew i would RE-READ the letters they sent me. I thought this was a routine which would continue till the time sky is blue. Waiting for postman uncle was a very normal phenomena after every 15 days. I didn't even realise or notice that each letter had it's own fragrance and every envelope would have emotions filled in it. They told me I should'nt REGRET about the desicions i make, i believed them; they told me saying sorry should'nt hurt your ego, i believed them; they told me I look better when I smile, i believed them; they told me colours and music are life, i believed them; they told me knowledge matters more than marks, i believed them; they told me they won't leave me, and i believed them again. Yes! i whole heartedly believed that they won't ever leave me, but alas they both decided to ditch me.
As promised, good girls don't cry, i didn't cry. I SWEAR I haven't. Not even a single drop. But, all I want to know is if I can keep my promise then why couldn't you? You were the people who taught me promises are made so that you can fulfill them and make people smile.  I will still keep all my promises like a good girl. But, one day you will have to give me an answer. WHY DID YOU BREAK YOUR PROMISE? WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME? I was never supposed to miss you, because people who are a phone call away aren't missed. Right? You were on my speed dial and you still are and I think you always will be. The sad part is just that you don't answer my calls anymore, your phone doesn't have you now.
Unfortunately, the world is deprived of truck loads of awesomeness and positivity. The irreplaceable cool people swag will never be found.
Because with you a part of me died too. :(
Grand dad and Vikram Da you meant the world to me, you still do, and you will continue to do so.
I know you both love me, even if the world hates me,  you should have been here to make me feel loved.
BABA & VIKRAM DA, please come back. please!!!!!!

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Favourite Person! :D :)

There are some people in life who matter to us, some people who mean a lot to us and there is one special person who means the world to us. Yes, there is one special person in everyone's life. I have that special person in my life too. She is a professor, a person who likes what i make on paper even if she doesn't she tells me she does, and she is the only peson who's consent matters to me. I have some kind of blind faith in her, at times i think i trust her more than myself.  
She is the only person whose hug makes me feel peaceful. Whenever I shiver, her hug is the only thing that is capable of making me calm and normal.  Her smile makes my day. At times I feel I don't deserve her but I know I can't do without her too. It's just not possible for me to stay away from her.
I don't know why does it happen. I don't know why did it happen. I don't know how did it happen. All I know is that this is the best thing that has ever happened in my life. 
Also, she is THE only person I am grateful and thankful to. Her presence made me realise what gratitude is meant for. 
I was told nobody is perfect but after I met her I realised there is no need to be perfect because being you is perfection itself. I don't claim to be a perfectionist. All I want in life is to be half of what she is. I'd love to be her. I'd be honored to identify myself as her student and I'd be glad if I can make her smile. 
All I pledge is to keep her happy and make her proud of myself!!!!! :)

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Thank you Triveni! :D

There is something really very special about this place known as Triveni Kala Sangam. It's beautiful,  it's serene,  it's peaceful and most importantly a place where I learnt what is meant by spreading smiles. The art galleries,  the dance rooms, the instrument rooms and most importantly my tabla room have a very special fragrance,  an aura which just calms me, which makes me feel peaceful and unknowingly makes me happy from within.
I never knew I had a hidden photographer,  a hidden painter and most importantly a hidden happy me until and unless I visited the open art gallery,  the first floor terrace,  the cafeteria or to cut everything short I realised life is happy, colorful and musical only after I visited TRIVENI.
I don't think I'll be able to express my gratitude towards this place in words.
So, I'll only say
For making me realise the difference between breathing and living life.  :)

Monday, 16 February 2015


अकेले तनहा
साथ मे भी कौन है खिला
उम्मीद का दिया हौंसला
अल्लाह की रज़ा
काट रहे हैं सब सज़ा
आखिर कब होंगे हम रिहा?

Sunday, 15 February 2015

2000 views! :D

On 14-February - 2015,  Green Hugs completed 2000 amazing, crazy and absolutely fantastic views.
I couldn't have asked for a better valentine's day, because for me the love for word, colour, music and expression is the only love of my life.
It's been a pleasure writing and the fact that my readers view my blog is what motivates me to write again and again.
Thank you so much for reading what I write! :)
In the spirit of keeping the love for everything that makes us smile!  :)
Keep Reading!
With lots of love luck and light! :D
-Green Hugs!

Saturday, 14 February 2015

कुछ सच!

उम्र हो गयी
वक़्त बीत गया
ज़माना पलट गया
फितरत बदल गयी
पहचान खो गयी
अस्तित्व मिट गया
लेकिन फिर भी मुस्कुराता चला गया.

is like! :D

dreams in mind
beauty in eyes
swetness in tounge
is like a song well sung

warmth in hands
passion in heart
pace in feet
is like a bird ready to flee.

Friday, 13 February 2015


कुछ शब्द
कुछ रंग
कुछ सुर
कुछ ताल
कुछ इश्क
कुछ आग़ाज़
कुछ धोखे
कुछ भरोसा
कुछ जज़बात
कुछ राज़
कुछ खवाब
कुछ तकरार
कुछ वक़्त
कुछ तिरस्कार
कुछ इश्क
कुछ इंसान
शायद यह ही 'कुछ ' है इस संसार का आधार!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

जायज़ है!

ये सुबह ये रात
ये जिस्म ये हालात
ये वक़्त ये ज़माना
इंसान का यूँ रूठ जाना
जायज़ है

ये हवाएं ये मौसम
ये ख़ुशी ये ग़म
ये बेचैनी ये सुकून
जैसे इंसान की रगों मे बहता खून
जायज़ है

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Delhi chooses AAP!

Alright, so AAP will form the new state government hopefully for more than 49 days atleast and ideally for 5 years.
Seems, Mufflerman is lucky to get ONE more chance to prove himself. All, I hope know is that his good luck doesn't turnout to be Delhi's bad luck.
Moreover,  I hope the centre cooperates with state and vice versa for better governance and welfare of people.
Hoping for a stable government and a better tomorrow!  :)

Monday, 9 February 2015

ज़रूरी होता है! :)

मुस्कान का होना
अश्कों का बहना
ज़रूरी होता है

दुःख का जाना
सुख का आना
ज़रूरी होता है

रंगों का खिलना
सुरों का एक दुसरे से मिलना
ज़रूरी होता है

एक दुसरे से लड़ना
फिर हस कर गले मिलना
ज़रूरी होता है

नए का स्वागत करना
पुराने को अलविदा कहना
ज़रूरी होता है

प्यार को बढ़ना
नफरत को मिटना
ज़रूरी होता है

आज को अपनाना
कल को भुलाना
ज़रूरी होता है

Friday, 6 February 2015

Happy Birthday Vikram Dada! :*

They are very few people who matter to me and Vikram dada you were the one who mattered the most to me. Choclate cake, Mazza and a mickey mouse ball pen is sorry now was my fixed return gift. A birthday in which the birthday boy doesn't get a gift and I have and now had the right on the BEST return gift. Choclate cake because CHOCLATE makes the world sweet and beautiful, MAZZA because tazza mazza helps you in refreshing your mind and MICKEY MOUSE BALL PEN because mickey mouse is my favourite cartoon and pen so that creative in all forms must flow.
I don't know how I have managed these 3 months without your support, guidance and love. All I know is that their is nobody now who would read what i write, listen to the instruments that i play, hate and yet love what i paint and most importantly answer the WIERDEST  questions that I ask.
You were the BEST GURU BHAI, BEST SENIOR, and everything that I ever wanted.
I know the heaven is obliged, but this planet has been deprived of the MOST BEAUTIFUL soul possible.
Yes! I will still celebrate your birthday or rather I will ensure WE all celebrate your birthday because we know you are watching us. Though, at the same time you have made us mad by leaving us but still as you say that "the show, the love for life and the spirit to party should never ever end"

Enjoy your birthday dada, where ever you are.

Happy 28th Birthday Vikram Dada!

I love you always!!!
Miss you like crazy!!!

[Dated: 6-Feb-2015]

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

This is it! :)

Life is a race you
either win or lose
But it's you
who has to ultimately choose

No one has the right
because they don't know you right
You learn while you fight
And that is how you set your brain right.