Monday, 28 January 2019

To the fairy who is going to bring sleep and peace one day!

Hello fairy, I recall our conversations when I was ten years old and grandfather used to tell me that you have a script to please sleep and bring it to me. I was told that in the script, there were verses written about the stars and the moon and the skies and my favourite cartoons.
You know fairy, I am 22 years old today, and my prioritise are obviously out of form. I don’t sleep well, and so I don’t try anymore. Does your script have those magical verses to bring back that sleep, which grandfather gifted me each night, as I put my head on his lap?

His fingers would gently massage my scalp, or on some days he would pat my head, telling me that his peaceful pat is beating up the demons inside the head. The demons that are dancing inside my mind, disrupting my peace. It’s been a decade since he left, weren’t you supposed to put me to sleep in his absence? Are you a promise breaker? Didn’t grandpa tell you that promise breakers get empty wrappers of chocolates? Do you not love chocolates? Are you gone, fairy? Can you not bring the peace back? The peace that’s my very own?

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