Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Out of love - 99!

I love this thing about
Sadness, longing, grief and loneliness,
They’re all very consuming, tiring
Yet very fulfilling,
It gives that sense of power
That something like death or maybe death
Came right in, targeted your soul
Couldn’t conquer it,
So left loneliness for your whole
Being and body.

This thing about,
Sadness, longing, grief and loneliness,
Has made me feel victorious
On the days it felt as if all battles were lost
Yet, you ask how,
The sad, lonely people
Bleed art.
For us the ones,
Who crave for solace more than success
A few drops of rain,
Seem to be like an ice pack
On our burnt souls.
As usual,
I walked a million miles
And crossed the seas and oceans
Just to have a glimpse of your smile.
Yet, you, being you,
Chose to stay cold, ignorant.
Was my sweat not enough to thaw your coldness?
Just like the sun sets each day,
A bit of hope drowns every morning,
What a failed warrior are you to not have held,
Your strongest weapon as you fight the wars without the guard.
Even if it wasn’t real,
It seemed real
And that I think is enough
To legitimise our memories
For a lifetime, at least.
On my good days, I miss you
On the bad ones, I crave you
Rest of the days are just spent longing, missing you.

You see,
you have been a part of days,
How could you not be a part of life?
Each corner,
Every bit,
Kissed by the sun
Engulfed by darkness
Created magic,
Built us, our home.
A cup of coffee
Ray of hope
Breath of fresh air
A warm hug to care
U ask what life is
Let me enlighten u
With what bliss feels like.

This moment in which
I feel this, is bliss
My share of infinity
And the eternal everlasting
Feeling of home.
When you left,
It built a hole in my whole
Making me feel,
Oh so hollow.
For all your pain and suffering,
Just eternally believe,
That there exists a golden hour
For your healing.

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