Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Out of love - 102!

I know, it never mattered to you,
But, surprisingly;
Now, it doesn’t matter to me, either!
When doors and windows are shut, 
Then you’ve no option,
But, to break the ceiling,
And escape to make love,
With the freedom that awaits.
How ugly does the beautiful look when trapped, caged, curbed.
If I could I’d ask you,
To hug me,
Tighter and longer than usual
Before you leave
And I go,
Stargazing: The art and act of making peace with the storms within as you prepare for the cyclone to hit.
I wish I had given up on you,
Instead of giving in my all for you.
But what about us the ones who haven’t slept well in a fortnight,
The ones who’ve refused to weep,
Till we win the wars within and around,
Even as we bleed inside out each day.
Is 3am our only resort?
Do we not deserve better means to heal our sinful wounds and preposterous scars?
And then there came a time,
When blue seemed to be the most powerful colour,
My bruises, and the mighty sky,
Both were blue,
Both making me realise my inner strength,
As they stuck with me,
Through my never ending war.
I’ve seen dreams turn into ashes,
Love translate into nothingness,
Yet they ask why I long for death.
Just because it’s fading away and sinking, it does not mean it won’t rise again.

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