Friday, 12 December 2014

Reservations: yes OR no?

Reservation in India is the process of setting aside a certain percentage of seats (vacancies) in government institutions for members of backward and under-represented communities (defined primarily by caste and tribe). Reservation is a form of quota-based affirmative action. It is governed by constitutional laws, statutory laws, and local rules and regulations. Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Other Backward Classes (OBC) are the primary beneficiaries of the reservation policies under the Constitution- with the object of ensuring a "level" playing field.s
I am not really very against this concept but it's missuse disturbs me a lot. These days i believe reservation is given priority over merit and this ABSOLUTELY UNFAIR. Reservation to an extent is alright but beyond that it becomes harmful in both ways sociallly and economically. A particular sect of our society has stopped working just because they know that their is something called reservation which is going to save them no matter what, while the other half of the society works day in and day out even after knowing the fact that may or may not get an opportunity to even show that they are capable of something.
I think or rather firmly believe that it's time to ammend this provision. If not scrap this policy we must reduce the percentage of it for sure. Otherwise, merit shall soon die.

Think, Speak, Act!!! :D :)

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