Sunday, 31 May 2015


बरकतों का पैगाम मिले
अपनों का अपनापन मिले
आप वक़्त की नहीं
वक़्त आपकी इबादत करे
भूखे को रोटी मिले
प्यासे को पानी मिले
अज्ञानी  को ज्ञान मिले
किसान का अनाज कभी न सड़े
 अश्कों की बूंदे आपकी आँखों से वंचित रहें
मुस्कान आपकी शौहरत
और मुहब्बत आपकी दौलत बने
क्या इन सबके बाद भी
आप रूपए की दुआ कीजियेगा?

Saturday, 30 May 2015


The main hand is my hand. The other 2 hands are major support systems in my life. First supporting hand is of my favorite person and the second supporting hand is of ART.  These 2 hands primarily symbolise air and heart beat. First hand is held tight because I don't want to lose my favorite person. She has become the integral oxygen required for survival. The second supporting hand is tangled between figures because it's something which is in me. It lies within. Like my heartbeats. I don't tell my heart how to beat it beats automatically similar is the case with art, I don't choose it. It chooses me.
Initially I thought I am holding the 2 hands.
It's later that I realised that those 2 hands are holding my and the case is the other way round.
Invert the picture you'll see that the 2 hands are pulling/ holding the main hand firm and tight. It's their support which helps the main hand stay strong and firm! :)

Friday, 29 May 2015

Painting! :)

A painting is never
It has a tinch of happiness
a slice of sorrow
a jar full of passion
and a heart full of

True emotions and imaginary notions
dreams and nightmares
light and dark
highs and lows
is all it shows

colour it bright
to express your delight
make it black
to show you are sad

Sketch it
paint it
click it

Thursday, 28 May 2015

उस ज़माने की पहचान!

वो भी एक दौर था
तब वक़्त ही कुछ और था

चन्द्रमा मामा था
सूरज भी मुस्कुराता था

खेलना तो बहाना था
मकसद तो दोस्तों से मिलना- मिलाना था

वक़्त तब गुजारा नहीं
बिताया जाता था

दुश्मन नहीं तब
यार बनाया जाता था

तब तारीख नहीं
जन्मदिन से
दिन की पहचान थी

मुस्कान आन थी
एकाग्रता शान थी

बस यही उस ज़माने
की अनमोल
कुछ अलग
थोड़ी सी अजीब सी
पहचान थी!!

Wednesday, 27 May 2015


Every rebel is a voice
waiting to be heard

It's a soul
waiting to be understood

It's a passionate fighter
waiting to be loved

It's a being
waiting to be in a space 
where judgment is based on interest

It's a spirit
waiting to fly higher than the highest.

Just set us free 
to let us to be.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Exploitation at it's best! :(

After waiting for 3 hours even after an appointment, a NGO which primarily focuses on human rights doesn't consider a case only because the area is under the red alert region.
A factory in this area pays its workers pays Rs.30/tile. These workers are basically artists who beautifully paint tiles. They work in open fields in the most inhuman conditions. There are no washrooms, no water facility and the worst part is children between the age of 5-16 do the most dangerous job I.e tile cutting. They don't fine cut the tiles and therefore aren't given any masks or protection equipment. As a result these children lose their eye sight or become partially blind as fine particals of dusty glass goes inside their eyes. 
Each tile that a worker/artist paints takes approximately 4-5 hours. This basically means a person cannot paint more than 2 tiles at any cost which implies he/she won't be able to earn more than Rs.60/day.
According to the daily wage law a minimum wage of Rs120/day has to be paid under any circumstance.
This esteem NGO refuses to consider this case as a violation of human rights. According to them this how things work in this region.
Well....all I'd say is its good to appreciate art but until and unless one learns to value art. Each and every artist will be terribly exploited and this will obviously endanger various art forms that exist.

Monday, 25 May 2015

An interpretation!

This sketch is my interpretation of my favorite person's soul. The way I think and feel she is. The head is made of flowers and leaves because she loves nature, flowers and leaves. I think she'd be glad if one recognizes her as natures child.
The reason why I made a petal around her eye is because I feel she wants to see a world which is filled with happiness and love. A place where there is a constant fragrance of sweetness and humanity. Just like the petal of a flower is. It's colourful and has a pleasant fragrance.
If you carefully notice there is a dog's paw and a eye on the neck. That's her puppy's paw and eye. Her puppy was like her baby and she loved him a lot. This puppy was one of the major reasons for her happiness and a very prominent reason behind her smile.
The bird on her cheek symbolises her students. Who come to her. She teaches them the ability to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. She teaches them how to fly and explore the world. She puts in her heart and soul in teaching her children how to analyse things clearly. She doesn't teach what is right or wrong she just helps you in enhancing your ability to distinguish between the right and the wrong. Yes! I know she considers her students as her own children she loves them selflessly. She loves me too. Even after all the flaws I have she still loves me. But in the end she knows these birds will fly away from her which basically means her students will go away from her one day.
The tiny tinch of tear in her eye is of pain of separation and pride. It hurts her when her students go away from her but she is happy and proud of the fact that her children are now ready to face the world.
Her mouth is partly open to say goodbye but she isn't able to say bye-bye because she knows that her children will come back to her. Because they are her kids. They belong to her. She has a right on them. She knows she can and she will correct them whenever they deviate from their paths.
I don't know whether she knows that she means more than the world to her children/students, but her students surely know that they can't do without her.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

रात की रौशनी!

आज की रात बहुत अजीब सी है, आज मुझसे मेरे अश्क अपने आपको रिहा करने की भीक नहीं मांग रहे वे भी आज शांत सा महसूस कर रहे हैं. पहली बार एक रात के अँधेरे में मुझे रौशनी दिखाई दे रही है.  अजीब सी रोशी है कुछ अलग सा एहसास है. तारे गिनना इतना सुहाना कभी नहीं लगा है मुझे, जितना आज लग रहा है. पानी पीने के बाद एक अजीब सी ठंडक महसूस हो रही है मन को, क्यूँ हो रहा है ऐसा पता नहीं, बस हो रहा है. अन्दर से बहुत खुश महसूस कर रही हूँ अपने आप को शायद इसीलिए की में थोडा दूर जा रही हूँ उस जगह से जहाँ मुझे अपने आप को रोज़ साबित करना पड़ता है.
मोबाइल बंद करने के बाद ये एहसास हुआ की शांति से ज्यादा सुन्हेरी आवाज़ तो किसी की भी नहीं होती. आज मैं अकेली अँधेरे में बैठ कर भी तनहा नहीं महसोस कर रही हूँ. इस रोज़- रोज़ की भाग दौड़ से अलग की शांति से ज्यादा अनमोल तो शायद ही कुछ हो. चैन से लेट कर गाने सुनने से ज्यादा सुकून देने वाले लम्हे बड़ी मुश्किल से मिलते हैं.
बड़े दिनों बाद आज मेरा दिमाग फट नहीं रहा. शांत है आज वो भी. कुछ नहीं सोच रहा है आज वो.  दिन के चुभते उजाले से ये रात का सुकून देने वाला अँधेरा बहुत अच्छा है. कमसे कम इस अँधेरे में घुटन तो नहीं है. न जाने क्यूँ सुबह पसंद आती है सबको. मुझे तो रातों की शांति बेहद पसंद है.
मैं तो यही कहूँगी की जब सूर्य जब सर पर हो तो सो जाओ, न जलो उसकी आग में और जब रात हो जाये उठ कर चन्द्रमा की शीतल उर्जा को अपने ऊपर हावी होने दो. चढ़ने दो उस सुकून भरे नशे को. बहार आओ इस अमीरी-गरीबी की इस कभी ना ख़तम होने वाली दौड़ से.
साँसों और  धडकनों को बस महसूस करो. अपने होने के एहसास को महसूस करो. बाकी सब तब बहुत ही फ़िज़ूल लगने  लगेगा तब. ये घर पैसा नाम शौहरत और भी हज़ार चीज़ें बहुत बेबुनियादी लगेंगी. हाँ! लेकिन ज़िन्दगी बहुत प्यारी और अपनी सी लगेगी!!!

Saturday, 23 May 2015

खून ना बहाओ!

लोग कहते हैं खून बहाना बुरी बात है. आज पहली बार लोगों की बात सही लग रही है मुझे. खून बहाने के लिए नहीं उबालने के लिए होता है, गुस्से की आग से उबालने के लिए, गलत का विरोध करने के लिए, अपने  हक को छीन ने के लिए और अपने सपनों के बीच में आने वाले हर उस इंसान को उस खून की उबलती हुई आग में राख करने के लिए. इस आग के साथ जीना बहुत मुश्किल होता है. कई बार मृत्यु आसान लगेगी, पर ये बात समझ लीजिये कि इस आग को पालने के बाद, इस जूनून को पालने के बाद जब सच में मर रहे होगे तो एक अजीब सा सुकून महसूस होगा. इसलिए अपनी ज़िन्दगी को आग में तपने दीजिये, सपने देखिये, हक छीनये अपने पर कभी हार मत मानियेगा. और हाँ! इस आग को भुजाने की हिम्मत मत करना खुद ही जल जाओगे. अपनी जान लेना आसान नहीं होता पर अपनी जान को लोगों के हवाले करके उनको उस जान का मज़ाक बनते देखना और भी मुश्किल होता है. ज़िन्दगी सपने और रगों में बहता खून तीन ऐसी चीज़ें हैं जो कोई नहीं छीन सकता...

Friday, 22 May 2015


मंज़िलें होती नहीं हैं
बनानी पड़ती हैं
ढूँढनी पड़ती हैं
पहचानी पड़ती हैं

सबकी अलग - अलग
अजब - गज़ब सी
होती हैं मंज़िले

किसी की मंज़िल
ज़िन्दगी होती है
किसी की ज़िन्दगी
मंज़िल होती है

किसी को मंज़िलों से
उम्मीद होती है
किसी की उम्मीद की बुनियाद
से ही बनती है मंज़िल

किसी की मंज़िल को
पाना मंज़िल होती है
किसी की मंजिल तक
जाने का सफ़र अपने आप मज़िल होती है

हर मंज़िल को
पाने की
एक अपनी ही
ख़ुशी होती है

Thursday, 21 May 2015

KRK & AIB make sense!

One must realise that their country is in deep poop when a man like KRK and AIB start making sense in there own ways.
As sir KRK says " Agar aaj Salman Khan ko bail na milti toh mera paise se vishwas uth jaata". This statement of this very learned man has proved its worth as Bhai & Amma both are free.
AIB makes sense after the uncountable roasts that this group has done, we finally come across some serious satire.

Ladies and Gentlemen!
brace yourselves with an era where SENSELESS makes SENSE and SENSIBLE officially slaughter SENSE. I hope I am making some SENSE.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Structure's Story! :)

In a land far far away.....where IMAGINATION prevailed and smile resided....a small paint brush smiled and winked its left eye. It waited for a structure to lift it and dip it into colours. Colours of love, affection and passion.  These magical colours had magical powers as they had the magical ability to paint life on canvas. These colours were structure's best friend, they stayed with its dream and fantasy land. That structure used to meet its friends daily because they used to stay with it during its thick and thin. It trusted them more than anything in this world.
After sometime came a magical person in structure's life, she told structure that she loved structure the way it was. Structure started feeling loved now. Structure showed her whatever it painted and she loved them. Structure gifted her some creations too, Soon she became the most integral part of structure's life. It was after the magical person's entry that structure realised that life was not painted on canvas, it was canvas and the magical colours that painted life!
And the Magical person became the essential glitter in Life :)

Monday, 18 May 2015

Understanding love!

Love is neither an emotion nor a concept. It's a phenomena which exists without any reason or logic.  It's not in between of anything. It surrounds you, at times you can't feel it because the materialistic pleasures of the world have formed a scum like layer on your soul due to which you can't feel your mind, heart and soul. All you need to do is remove that layer of filthy scum and  feel clean. Once you start feeling clean i.e. burden free, pressure free you will start inhaling love, you will witness love and most importantly that severe craving to be loved will vanish automatically. Love is in you, with you and around you. Just open up and blossom because the world is yours with all its love.

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Being you: A crime?

Don't cry like girls, don't wear's a very girly colour, c'mon! Don't be so concerned like women and what not.
Now, if you carefully see the moment you were born you CRIED. Don't fool yourselves, there were times when you liked a PINK shirt more than that blue, yellow shirt but didn't choose it because it's a girls colour. There were times when you wanted to stay back home just to chill with your family but didn't do so because 'Pagal hai kya ghar pe baitha hai ladki ki tarah'.
And these are just a few examples which I have encountered a zillion times. I'm sure there are 100 more things which are looked down upon not because they are wrong. they are looked Down upon because they are what GIRLS do.
When things like these prevail don't even expect people to SPELL LOGIC & EQUALITY correctly, implementation of the same sounds utopian to me.

इच्छा तो बहुत थी!

जीने की इच्छा तो बहुत थी
पर फिर भी राख हो गए
मुस्कुराने की इच्छा तो बहुत थी
पर फिर भी अश्कों में बह गए
सुकून की इच्छा तो बहुत थी
पर फिर भी इस घुटन में ही बस गए
रंगों की आस तो बहुत थी 
पर फिर भी बदरंगे से संसार में रह गए 
तमन्नाए तो बहुत थी 
पर फिर भी सबको मार के बैठ गए


Saturday, 16 May 2015

toilet vs tree!

Being literate is like being toilet trained. In the end you just know how to use the toilet and the flush, similarly you just end up learning how to scribble in a sensible manner and utter words which can help you earn money.
Whereas, being educated is like being a tree. The way tree bows when it starts bearing fruits, you tend to become humble and compassionate as you get educated.
But unfortunately we live in a country where EDUCATION IS THE MOST PROFITABLE INDUSTRY. Since, its an industry it believes in making people toilet trained so that they dont piss in their pants and cause embarrasment to the society and also so that people buy fancy toilets.
Planting a tree certainly does no good to the MONEY greedy EDUCATION INDUSTRY but in the longer run it is bound to make the world a livable place!

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Celebrating 4000 views! :D

My blogging journey began on 17-November-2014 and it's been a phenomenal experience since then.
From sharing my emotions to expressing my imagination to cribbing about reality it's just been a crazy journey.
Thank you so much for all the love, support and affection, it really means a lot to me and I promise to keep the love for word alive.
Love. Luck. Light.
Cheers! :D

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Yet another ban! :(

A painting which shows Lord Krishna, Radha and Meera is BANNED just because an artist depicts a certain kind of relationship between the trio. The painting which is titled 'Radha Meera ki doli hai' was termed UNETHICAL because of the name and ILLEGITIMATE as it shows a romantic relationship between Radha Krishna and Meera.
If one believes history then you probably know Radha was Krishna's lover and Meera was a bhakt who idolised Krishna as her beloved. Krishna equally loved Radha and Meera .
I never thought we would reach a level where paintings would be made on the basis of SANSKAAR. Moreover, it's the artist's imagination of The Lord and I don't think there can be a flaw in one's imagination
Are the authorities scared of riots.?
Or are we going to witness something similar to M F Hussain's case
Or is the world scared of a painter's imagination?
Whatever, the reason maybe I don't get the logic of banning it!!!!!
If possible please spread the word.

Saturday, 9 May 2015


भावनाओं को अपने अन्दर
क़ैद करके मत रखो
बाहर निकालो
ज़ोर से हसना मत
बिलबिला कर रोना नहीं
ग़ुस्से से दहाड़ने मत लगना
दर्द में तड़पने न लग जाना

हाँ!!! लेकिन अपनी
भावनाएँ ज़रूर
बिना किसी झिझक के
अभिव्यक्ति ज़रूर करना
ऐसा कह कर मुझे
कब तक बेवक़ूफ़ बनाओगे?
मुझे बनाओ तो ठीक
लेकिन मैं बनाऊँ
तो ग़लत क्यूँ कहते हो?

Friday, 8 May 2015

Art: A threat?

Painting in its original form has never been accepted. Whether it's Husain's nude paintings, Ravi Verma's paintings on women's plight, Da vinci's habit to look into the originality to ensure accuracy, Dot paintings by many painters etc. I am stunned that this society has never been able to accept originality in terms of art which includes literary works, music etc as well.
A PEACEFUL medium to express emotions has the ability to scare people. But unfortunately it is somehow not able to awake them despite of repeated efforts.
I thought we were scared of wars, calamities, EXAMS etc, it's just now that I realised ART IS WHAT SCARES PEOPLE THE MOST!

Therefore, an artist is usually considered a threat to this so called Balanced Society!!

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

याद रखना!

कभी तमनाओं के रास्ते पर थक न जाना
सांस लेने के चक्कर में वजूद न गवाना
दुनिया की बंदिशों में यूँ हार न जाना
घमंड की आड़ में अपनों को न भुलाना

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

i miss you grandpa!

I know you didn’t want to leave us, I know you wanted to see me shine, I know you wanted me to be happy for being me and I know you still want all of that. Its just that I am still working for all of them but there is no you to see, guide and check whether it is right or wrong.
I try not to miss you, but I end up missing you every damn day. I try to convince myself that death is a part of the life circle and I should accept it whether I like it or not but my heart refuses to believe that. It still lauds and craves for your affection, it still wants to play with you, it still wants to laugh with you, it still wants to study with you, it still wants to click your weirdest pictures, In short all it wants is YOU and you already know our mind is our heart’s slave. Therefore, all I can think of and about is YOU.
I still try not to cry, so that I remain a strong girl. I still try to spread smiles, so that this world is a happy place, I still try and study, so that I can become knowledgeable, I still try to eat green vegetables, so that my eye sight improves, I still try to sleep for eight hours, so that I remain healthy and I still try to implement all that you taught me, so that I can become a compassionate human being.
But, I still can’t stop missing you.
You are mine and will remain mine till my last breath
I love you! <3
I miss you like crazy 

I know you are watching me 

Sunday, 3 May 2015

An assignment on love! :P

Name: Devyani Srivastava
Roll No: 13/26036
Course: History (H)/ Sem: IV, Sec: A
Topic: Idea Of Love
Submitted to: Ms. Shruti Aarohi
Whenever I hug a person i feel secure, it feels as if for few seconds somebody is there. which intern leads you to feel safe and secure, seems as if someone has poured cold water on your burnt soul. When i kiss someone there is always this feeling of trust which makes me believe even if the world is anti me the person who is kissing me still loves me or at least shows that he/she loves me . This factor keeps me away from feeling unloved. it helps me in hating myself a little less than what I already do. When i say 'i love you', I can see a shine in that person's/animal's eyes. Its a very unusual yet a very calm and peaceful shine in their eyes. Its in the retina....Its something which i wont be articulate in words but i can feel it and see it very strongly. when i tell a person you are mine they have an abnormally wide grin on their face which gives me a valid and a substantive reason to smile too.
One of my mentors used to say " Love is a religion which belongs to every body, but is preached by very few. If you want to help the world, make it a better plac then love every being who resides on it"
My favourite person once told me " People are delued and at times they may not understand you very well but then that doesnot mean that you stop being what you are. you must follow your heart no matter what"

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Making memories: A journey itself!

I somehow feel you don't really miss people. What you miss is the time you spend with them and the memories you make for a lifetime. When you lose that person what you primarily miss is that you won't be able to make more memories with them and that is what hurts you really bad. Therefore, the probability to smile gets reduced by a certain percentage once you lose a loved one!