सब अलग-अलग चीज़ें ढूंडते हैं। कुछ रब, कुछ सुकून और कुछ अपने आशिक़ की मुस्कान।
उसकी आँखों में दर्द नहीं है,
उसकी आँखों में कुछ टुकड़े हैं
बिखरे हुए, बेचैन, शायद आज़ाद या कैद
पर वो लड़ रही है, चल रही है।
Are you contented
With your life?
Are you somewhere
Close to what they
Call as peace
And happiness?
If you are,
Rest assured, you haven't
Explored, either yourself
Or the world
If you aren't,
Then chase it
Chase it, till the
End of the universe.
You're always in that age
Where you can
Welcome new scars,
For adventures
In and with life
Never really end,
And, probably they shouldn't
And with adventures
Come the evidences
Of the adventures
Some call them
For the rest
It's a memoir of
The adventure.
There's always time
To find beauty
Within and around
Before you retire
With grace and glory.
You are fire,
I'm fire
We're fire
And that fire
Keeps us going,
Going till the end
And beyond.
There's something strange
About them,
It is so strange
That it feels
As if it is
Special, very special.
I pause for a while
To probably catch my breath
Or to grab a cup of coffee
All I look for, is a corner.
A corner,
Where I can
Sit in peace
And breathe with ease
Without any pressure
Of being judged.
These corners
Don't ask for
Petty explanations
They just let me be.
They are wrong
When they say
3am is meant for
Artists, dreamers and writers
Yes! They are wrong,
3 am is meant for, memories
The kind of memories
That you wish were moments
That you could
Live and re - live now.
3am is for emotions
The emotions that you
Want to suppress throughout
The day, yet crave for them
All the time
It's, that time when you
Give up and nobody watches you
It's an hour of acceptance.
The type of acceptance
That injures every bit of the heart
And scratches every inch of the soul.
A state where there is no one to go to
And probably that is why
Some choose to bleed on paper
Some on canvas
Some expect the moon to absorb
The blood that drips in the form of tears
3am is an hour
Which nobody wishes
To see and live
Yet, wait for it everyday
To come
For the love
Of accepting the
Fragments of the soul.
It's for the kind of artists
Who derive art from
Within, without and around.
You tell me
I'm good for nothing,
Maybe to you I am,
Or maybe I really am
I don't give a damn
Do you know why?
Because, I refuse
I refuse to choose
What you want me
To choose, do and believe.
I am crazy,
Not a "crazy diamond"
Waiting to be polished
I'm a crazy piece
A piece of sins and flaws
For this is what accepts me
Willingly, without demanding
Unjust justifications.
I'm not art
I'm not an artist, either
Yet, what flows in me
Is a miraculous combination of
Art, dreams and magic.
Those patterns
That have made their
Space in my mind
Have left a vacuum
For your corporate aspirations
Which you want me to meet.
Huh! You won't understand
So, just let it be
Neither, are you changing
Not, am I
Just shut up
And, go off to sleep.
My love for you,
According to you
Is a mistake.
For me
It's the ultimate
Source of strength.
Even after all
Your ignorance
It still is.
And, will always be.
You ask me
Why I stand
Beside you
You tell me
To leave when
I want to
You call me
To tell me
How I'm
Committing a
Huge mistake
By being with you.
You just give me
One more reason
To be, stand and smile
With, along and beside
Just so you know,
For the
Hundredth million time
I am telling this to you
As I do
I'm there
Not because
I should be
I can be.
I'm there
I want to be
It's amazing
I love it.
I'm not there
With you
You need me.
I stand next
To you, always
I want and need you
I always will.
This thing
That you and I
Share is
A way of life
The way in which
I love my life.
Your panic attacks
Your possessiveness
You getting hyper
When I am late,
Makes me feel blessed.
I look at the time
I know you are
Waiting for me
To come
That makes me
Feel divine.
This will last
Till the end of forever
We will make it last
Because, this is
Probably as essential
As the oxygen
We breathe.
Everytime, everyday, everything.
A sinful routine
A beautiful bond.
Just when you are
About to think
Of what exactly you
Wish to think
I want you to
I want you to stop
At that very moment.
Just stop
Because, as you begin
To plan to think
You will somewhere
Get confused
And I don't want
You to be confused.
Stop, because
I don't want you
To doubt
Yourself, myself and ourselves.
We're lost,
Yes, we are
All of us,
Some willingly
Some, very willingly.
We're lost because
We crave to find ourselves
Every morning when we wake up
Every night when sleep
Doesn't kiss us, easily.
This tiring business
Of finding
Who, what, where, how
Is the reason I
Don't want to think.
In fact,
I don't want
Anyone to think,
This business is bad
It makes you question
Everything, everyone
Including yourself.
The kind of questions
Which will never get
An answer
Because, the moment
We think, we've got an answer
Will exactly be the moment
When we find a new question.
And in this quest
I might,
You might,
We might,
Forget to
Live, breathe and smile.
So, stop.
Thinking is just
Not worth it.
It never will be.
Just STOP.
You call love
Blissful, right?
Ha! You might be
At bliss after
Finding, being, falling
In love
I certainly am not.
On the contrary,
It's one of those
Obnoxious feelings
Where I doubt myself
Hate myself for
Feeling it for someone else.
I know it's therapeutic
To have you by my side
But, it's been a while
To that healing and therapy
Now, it's all about
Endless waiting
And self cursing for
Falling for you.
That bliss, which you call
Makes my heart bleed
And, soul weep
But, I take it all
You know why?
Because, I love you
Much more than
I used to love myself.
You were therapy,
You still are,
But, these transitions
Are just not what
Both of us wanted.
Even, if I hate it
I still can't get over
The memories we've
The times we've
Spent, together.
Yes, it's obnoxious
And absolutely disgusting
To love, and live with a Utopia
Of being and feeling loved.
It's all a delusion.
Love is a delusion.
A rotten joke.
Something as sinful
As an oasis.
Damn. I have lived
With so much of
All this while.
I know
You are going,
Going to
A better place
A better world
A place where
You will be free
From all your
Pain and agony.
You will find
Your share of
Peace and solace there.
I still don't
Want you to go
I don't,
I can't see you
I know
I am being selfish
Very very selfish
But, in our case
You were the one
Who was
In fact still is
I have always
Been selfish.
Texting you anytime
Calling you in the most
Weird situations and hours
Without even thinking
That you could be
Busy or messed up too.
But, you know what!
It's your fault,
Yes! Your fault.
You never told me
To shut up
Stopped me from
Being clingy all the time.
You were ALWAYS there
The kind of always
Which one can
Only find in
Fictional fairy tales
But, you like
An absolute douche
Made it real for me.
When you are being
Selfish for once
I just cant handle it.
You're going to a
Happier place
A place where
You would be
The light
Where no pain
Will be able to
Touch you.
But, still.
Please tolerate the
Terrible, mean and horrible me
For some more time, atleast
I need you
I love you
I want you.
I try to
Meet and reach
Them before it's
Too late
You know how
This time is
Impatient and restless
Making me feel
Like a loser
All the time.
It's always late
Before I reach them
It's usually gone
Before I can see them
It's annoying
To begin a new chapter
Without reaching it.
But it still is
The way it is
Shameless and unstoppable.
Despite everything
That I do
And try do
I just miss
THEM, the ends.
I love you,
In fact,
I love you, very much
And hence,
I will not enforce
My love on you,
Will I bind you to love me.
You are free
Go on,
Love the one
You really love.
I fell in love
With you
You rise
In love with
The one
You really love.
It doesn't matter to you
But, just so you know
I am there for you
Forever and always
Whether you care or not
I will still be there
I love you
And that's enough
For a reason
To wait,
And smile.
There's something strange
About a cup of hot coffee
It has taught me how
Sinfully beautiful it is
To be bitter and sweet
Everytime I add
A sachet of brown sugar
And a cube of white sugar
I realise how important
It is to adapt to a change
Not for perfection,
But for learning
The importance of
Losing self
And being free
Of the burden
Of identity.
As I stir
My creamy latte
To mix sugar
At my own pace
Sometimes, slowly
Sometimes, rigorously,
I realise the importance
Of being zero
And the relevance of
Being in motion
Without moving from
Your location or place.
How I wish
I was like coffee,
Selfless, sinful and beautiful
All together.
I don't want you
To be there
With me
Always and forever.
It's been a while
I lost faith in them
But, am I wrong
When I expect you
To be there
On somedays,
I somewhere
Crave for your essence.
The essence of
Your presence
That compliments
And completes
My smile,
I miss you
I love you
Every second
I need you
Sometimes too.
Just sometimes
On somedays
Can I expect
A part of
I love you,
You may
May not
I still
Love you.
I love you
With all the
Passion, aggression
Madness, craziness
And most importantly
With utmost shamelessness.
I love you
Despite of all the
Ignorance and arrogance.
You hurt me,
With that
And I like a fool
Find myself
In pieces
Every time
After you do that.
I love you
With all my
Heart and soul,
The heart that
You break
Time and again
And the soul
Which craves
For you
All the time.
I love you
I am an idiot
An idiot
Of the highest order.
The one who runs
After you,
Just because it
Can't see you
Fall all alone.
I love you
I just do.
And I am
Guilty as charged
For this crime.