Thursday 12 April 2018

Out of love - 88!

The pieces of my heart still ache, because I never fell in love with you, I knew I drowned in it and that continues to be the most beautiful feeling, ever. The pain, the craving all worth it, still!
You will heal,
So will your mind, body & soul
But, will that silence your mind’s scream?
You can’t hold everything,
But what you can,
Is yours.
With whom would I share my silences and emptiness had it not been you, Moon?
The question remains as is,
You want to find yourself
Or want to lose yourself?
Some explosions are meant for the inside, they’d blast, destroy, finish, hurt & convert everything into ash but there will be no smoke. There’ll be nothing left within & it’ll be all so good on the outside. That. That exactly is the most powerful thing ever.
No, it’s not you. It’s the pieces of you that are hurting tonight. Don’t you recall you are broken? It’s not you in a single piece, it’s the shredded you in a million pieces and so a million times painful pain.
Tonight I’m jealous of this breeze
Which is going to kiss you in your sleep
And leave you with a craving for more of
ease and peace.
The fire within doesn’t even reduce you to ashes, it just burns and burns some more and just keeps on burning, destroying, being.
Her voice heals the cracks in me,
Where else will I find my therapy?

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