Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Out of love - 86!

Your un-fought battles aren’t your victories, they are an evidence of your fear for the battleground.
Under the sun it’s usually me,
Under the moon it’s always you.
If you choose to tolerate the pain to test your perseverance or for some other reason, despite having an option to get rid of it. Just know, that it’s a choice that you made.
Healing is not a choice, it’s a necessity. Give it the time, patience and warmth it deserves.
A heartbreak is an evidence of a beautiful bond and the fact that a heart just doesn’t only pump blood.
Trust, hope, faith, love and magic do not exist as a concept but then there is someone somewhere who has all these in you and that probably adds to the real quotient in these!
The feeling of less weak is maybe the beginning of experiencing strength.
Decisions have consequences and love is a conscious decision, to think it won’t have consequences is a thought you wish was true!
On the nights you can’t sleep
And on the days at work
Where you can’t breathe and weep
Remember, there’s a moon out there
And maybe and just maybe so
There is a bit of hope and solace
Out there and within.
But even if someday the darkness chooses to end, will you be able to accept the piercing light that will steal away all the solace and comfort darkness gave you?

Sunday, 28 January 2018

You Haven't Loved The Wrong Person!

You haven’t loved
The wrong person
There is no wrong person
To be loved
Haven’t you heard?
“Love is blind”
It can’t see, it can’t judge
It’s love not an answer sheet.

There is a reason why our
Schools are incapable of
Teaching love,
For every exam they take on it
For every grade they give for it
Will be killing it
And maybe that’s why they don’t.

You love or loved
Because you felt the need to
You made it your home
Because you craved for it
You gave it all
Because you wanted to.

It’s okay,
If your love wasn’t accepted
Or your lover failed to reciprocate it
You see love is an art
Selfless, pious and tough.

There will be people and beings
Who fall for it,
Some may fall in it,
But, you have no option
But to rise in it.

Those who can’t love back
Deserve love, yes, they do
Everything deserves love
How can they not!

And if lovers like us
Give up who is going
To help them fill
That void.

Yes, you’re heartbroken
Yes, you’re hurting
Yes, you’re giving up
But, NO, you can’t give up
On loving, on the concept of love
And most importantly on
Your ability to love.

It maybe okay someday
Or it may never be fine
But, never forget you’re
Blessed and so you love
And so you must continue
To love,
Now and ALWAYS.

Friday, 26 January 2018

ये कभी क्यूँ नहीं बताया किसी ने!

ये कभी क्यूँ नहीं बताया किसी ने
के ज़ख़्म है छर छरायेगा, दर्द होगा
तन्हाई का एहसास होगा
मकान के रहते भी घर की चाहत होगी.

ये कभी क्यूँ नहीं बताया किसी ने
की लोगों को घर बनाने से इत्मिनान
रत्ती भर का होगा लेकिन जाने का दुःख ऐसा
की ना बयान किया जाए ना अंदर दबाया जाए.

ये कभी क्यूँ नहीं बताया किसी ने
की खुले आमान के नीचे भी
दम घुट सकता, इंसान अंदर से मर सकता
है लेकिन ज़िंदा लाश की तरह फिर भी
चल सकता है.

ये कभी क्यूँ नहीं बताया किसी ने,
की प्यार है आसमान नहीं
वक़्त के साथ ख़त्म हो जाएगा
सब मिट्टी में मिल जाएगा
और ये प्रियतम बस तड़पता रह जाएगा.

ये कभी क्यूँ नहीं बताया किसी ने,
की ऐतबार का एहसास होना
उसका साथ होना
सब अलग है.

ये कभी क्यूँ नहीं बताया किसी ने,
की क्लब को इत्मिनान और
ज़ेहन का सुकून ना चाँद
की शीतलता ना सूर्य के तेज से मिलता है.

ये कभी क्यूँ नहीं बताया किसी ने,
की तुम भी औरों की
तरह एक दिन चले जाओगे
जाओ ना भी तो मर जाओगे.

ये कभी क्यूँ नहीं बताया किसी ने,
की थकना हमेशा हारना नहीं होता
क्या तुम भी कायर हो?
अपने ही सवालों से भयभीत?

Tuesday, 16 January 2018

The Finest Shoulder Pain!

Their is a certain charm to a terrible almost life taking shoulder pain. You suddenly start realising the weight of your head, and trust me it seems to be heavier than a big boulder, a little left and right you move your face and damn you will realise the value of all Gods that have ever existed for the human race.

The worst part, it is nothing! Yes, that is what it is, NOTHING. No fracture, rupture etc, it is just plain - raw- blatant pain. If I had to express how it feels like, I would probably compare it to a lonely night without the moon. As if your wounds have been left open, heat burns it, cold winds pinch it and of course ignorance by beloveds aggravates it.

The most beautiful part of this thing is, you are constantly claiming to be okay, because; Duh! Shoulder pain at 21 is no excuse. So yes, you are constantly in pain, internally screaming externally smiling. Nobody even know about it and there is hardly anything you can do about it either.

However, a warm hug, maybe a good coffee and a heating pad could be your best friends, but alas; people like me hardly get the best. Rest obviously is up to time and Dua!

So here I am, ranting, whining and cribbing. That’s all. Oh yes! I have been using the Moov spray more than my deodorants. I smell of Moov. Now can this pain please move on and away?

Monday, 15 January 2018

Dealing With It!

There will be and they better be times when you don’t feel like not being what you are. Existence as a concept feels tedious exhausting and to some extent useless too. Sleep doesn’t kiss and you wake up feeling tired. The whole process of getting out of bed seems like a war. A war that you know you will lose.

It’s in those times, you would want to thank your head that has been so heavy on your shoulder for pushing you. On such days a warm hug could just maybe help you breathe a little more with ease. It would probably help you realise that maybe it is not all that bad even though you know it is much worse than what you choose to accept. But, has a dose of love harmed anyone as yet?

Love has done good to me, till now at least. Hugs, coffee and an exemplary mentor has been there all this while. You know it helps to have someone. Someone you can talk to, someone who will always be there or so you believe, someone who has the patience to listen to your rants, someone who will be there to say, it’ll all be okay.

Maybe this is our survival kit. Maybe this our bad day box love. Maybe this just is what it is!

Friday, 12 January 2018

Passions And Candles!

You don’t need the fashion of passion
All you got to do is believe in perseverance
Of your nurtured passion.

Remember, you put in so many
sleepless nights and day dreams
For figuring out what real passion
Feels like.

Don’t you remember the smell
Of it when you realised
What your breaths are meant for?

That sound of the first rain
On barren ground
The smell of freshly wet mud.

That’s what passion felt and smelled like.

It stayed for a while
Just like a candle
It melted away with time.

With the wick and wax all burnt
Candle is no more a light for your fight
Just like your passions
Which can’t be the flight to your dreams.

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Now that you have!

Now that you have
Blatantly, publicly and obviously
Very authoritatively expressed
That I am a little way too less
Than what you thought, wanted, desired
And very religiously programmed me to be
I might as well accept
What you want me to believe.

Yes! A hundred times, yes
I am not what you wanted me to be
I am what I am what I am meant to be
With a million flaws, a gazillion errors
An absolute misfit in your world
But, does that mean I have no right
To dream, believe and love?

I crave for sleep, when you’re fast asleep
I crave for warmth, when you hug others around
I crave for smiles, when you shoot my pride
I crave and crave some more
For that’s all I have from you and more.

It’s all okay and fine
I choose to be what I am
Today and tonight
I stand for myself
Tall and strong
Wrap my self in my own warmth.

I dream. I rise. I work.
And that is what
My composition of pride
Looks like.