Tuesday 30 July 2019

You carry my photo in your wallet!

You carry my photo in your wallet,
The brown colour leather wallet
That I gave you on your birthday,
The birthday which we celebrated,

We had got three cakes
Because you and I couldn’t choose one
Red Velvet, Rainbow and chocolate,
All big cakes were bought,
You cut them all,
I ate almost all,
That birthday,
When I gave you the wallet
Which I wanted for you.

You, hate brown leather,
I love it like none other,
In that wallet,
We had put our picture,
The picture we took
In Ireland,
Your favourite country.

Years later, today
When I touched your wallet
It was as soft,
Our picture was not their
You had put mine,
It was as if you and I
Weren’t together,
But you still kept a
part of me,
Maybe I’m not your past,
Probably, we exist
In our present as good people
But that is all.

We are just people,
Hopefully good.

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