Wednesday 24 June 2015

Out of Love: 09!

It's been a while I heard you
Whispered a voice unknown...

And it's after ages I felt so good
Today, I stood in front of my mirror with my eyes shut to see who I really AM.....
In this tussle between my head and soul got crushed.
The magical journey of realisations
The truth is that everything is a LIE
The only difference between you and a Pheonix is, you are real and that bird is imaginary. Everythig else is common between you two.
I haven't seen anything more magical than life. So, if magic is an illusion then life is an illusion too!
Time and dreams are 2 things which I can't control!!!
Its basically our tensions and tussles which help us transform :) 
Dreaming, planning and achieving are 3 different concepts....which ultimately lead you to your goal

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